iPhone SE 3Gen (2022)

iPhone SE 3Gen (2022)

Tempered glass - Privacy - 360° - 4,7" - iPhone 7 / 8 / SE 2nd gen.(2020) / SE 3rd gen.(2022)
Tempered glass that protects the mobile phone's glass against frontal impacts and also against prying eyes.
Protection against onlookers horizontally over 180° and vertically over 180°.
Beyond an angle of 30°, in all directions, what is displayed on the screen is invisible.
Sideways privacy for anyone to the left or right, higher or lower, who tries to look at what is displayed on the screen,
360* visual protection in all directions.
Batteries charging and testing unit - W209 Pro V6
Batteries charging and testing unit
Battery activation board for reviving a dead flat battery
Includes live voltage and current readouts
Suitable for a wide range of iOS, Android and Apple Watch devices
Suitable for reviving and charging a battery while monitoring the charging health